09 Dec

MEGAMAS Training Company will outline the revised driving curriculum to the Land Transport Department and hold discussions with driving instructors on the new programme on Saturday.

At least four instructors, including a consultant from a neighbouring country, will assess and train driving school instructors in a course from January to March next year, said Mohd Ramshawadin Kamaluddin, Megamas lead driving instructor.

He said that the company, which was recently appointed by the Ministry of Communications as a consultant for the new driving syllabus, will emphasise “competency-based training” for driving schools in the country.

“The consultant will teach the instructors the ways of training their students and to be more effective when teaching in their respective driving schools,” said Mohd Ramshawadin.

He said that all driving school instructors who want to renew their permit would have to participate in the programme to enhance their knowledge in defensive driving and presentation skills.

“Competency is the main highlight, we will teach the candidates to present their skills appropriately for the next generation of road users,” continued the driving instructor.

He explained that the three-month course will assess the participants’ ability to be consistent in theory and practice.

“Every three years, a follow-up training to assess the candidates will also be implemented,” said Mohd Ramshawadin, adding that this would ensure Brunei to improve its driving standards.

The Road Safety Week campaign that took place in November 22-28 has prompted the Ministry of Communications and other organisations to reduce the rising number of deaths and injuries in road accidents.

For some, the campaign has not ended yet, with the Adinin Group of Companies organising a “Brunei Tell-A-Friend Road Safety Campaign” from November 1 to January 2, 2011.

“Under the Road Safety Network, we have provided flyers and stickers to both workers and the public from 12 of our project work sites.

“The campaign will provide statistics to the National Road Safety Council on whether our awareness (campaign) has effectively decreased the number of accidents,” said Megamas Corporate Health Safety Environment Manager Hj Sannie Sah Sabir Sah.

The Brunei Times
Wardi Buntar
Thursday, December 9, 2010