09 Mar

Today, 9 March, we celebrate 10 years from the initial Tropical BOSIET OPITO Course conducted at Megamas. This was the first ever TBOSIET held in the world, and we are proud that this was held in Brunei Darussalam.

In March 2000, Megamas, together with BSP, designed and implemented the Tropical BOSIET OPITO COURSE for offshore workers in warm waters. It was endorsed by OPITO as a fit for purpose standard offering training to international standards different to the UK cold water standard. It has been adopted today in 15 countries worldwide, and literally 100,000’s participants have been trained from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, Qatar, Philippines to the USA and Gulf of Mexico. It has made a substantial impact in providing safe training for offshore workers in the oil/gas industry.

It has been a remarkable success story from the mid-90’s when Shell SIEP visited BSP and their vision was to have an international standard for Emergency Response training and move away from “approving” training centres.

This vision was transformed and effectively implemented by BSP HSE Department.

In the last 10 years, it is reassuring for BSP to know that all participants at Megamas for TBOSIET/TFOET offshore training have received the same standard of competency training as required by the OPITO international standard.

The Group Chief Executive of OPITO, Mr. David Doig, has remarked that ” the contribution made by Megamas in Safety has been immense in the last 10 years, and has unquestionably saved the lives of offshore workers, and also commented that the burning passion of Megamas to do “things” the right way heavily influenced his work and drive to take OPITO forward into the international market place”.

All of this, of course, has only been possible because of the excellent efforts of BSP with strong leadership and commitment by the Management Team to put HSE at the top of the agenda.

Many thanks to you all.

Kind Regards,
Hjh Khadijah Mohamed
Managing Director