05 Mar

A total of 60 Royal Brunei Traffic Police are undergoing motorbike defensive riding at Megamas Training Company Sdn Bhd.

This 1-day course is being conducted by Mr. Pete Hodgson, who conducts motorbike training in conjunction with the Humberside Police and the Hull County Council in the UK.

Pete is a qualified and experienced motorbike instructor for many years in the UK, holding full RoSPA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) Diploma certificate, and is involved in numerous schemes in Humberside to improve road safety, e.g. Safety Awareness Training.

In the UK the overall motorcycle casualty rate fell by 6 per cent from 6,745 motorcycle casualties per billion vehicle miles in 2008 to 6,371 in 2009 and in no small part due to increased hazard awareness training.

The course covers both theory and practical sessions. The theory covers risky behaviours, crash avoidance, and defensive techniques.

The practical sessions involve emergency control stop, swerve avoidance and control exercises.

Borneo Bulletin
05 March 2013