03 Dec

In November 2011, Sekolah Rendah Kuala Belait, Sekolah Rendah Muhammad Alam and Sekolah Rendah Pengiran Setia Jaya Pengiran Abdul Momin from the Belait District visited Megamas as an educational trip.

During the visit, each school was shown some of Megamas training courses including Defensive Driving, Fire Fighting and Offshore Survival.

The students were briefed on the importance of health and safety in the work environment.

Haji Naweh Haji Abdul Rahman (Training Manager) gave the students a talk on Health and Safety and why Health and Safety is so important.  The teachers were enthusiastic about the visit and it was explained that it was part of the school curriculum to visit a workplace at the end of a school term.

Haji Naweh explained that “Megamas is always willing to facilitate these visits to help the local community as part of giving value to the work done by Megamas, and in line with the Company’s Policy towards our Corporate Social Responsibility.”

Borneo Bulletin
3 December 2011