03 Sep

Megamas has again shown its commitment to growth and re-investment by taking on 8 additional staff members in the month of September , representing 10% of the workforce, and in line with the aspirations of the Nation.

Following Megamas success at the 10th ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, held recently in Brunei, under the category of “Employment”, Megamas is again showing their support to employ and develop local Bruneians.

The new hires are for a variety of positions, including trainers, consultants, finance and administrative staff and shows Megamas’s confidence in the Bruneian training and consultancy market.

Hjh Khadijah Mohamed (Megamas Managing Director) said “the hiring of 8 Bruneian staff again shows that Megamas is totally committed to training and developing local Bruneians into professional, fulfilled and happy employees”.

Hjh Khadijah also pointed out that “we are responding directly to the requirement for HSE professionals in the market and for the likely requirement for health and safety services in line with the Workplace Health and Safety Order 2009.

This recruitment is designed to broaden the scope of our services whilst remaining totally committed to the excellent service we already provide our clients in the oil/gas sector, and for the Government”.

Hjh Khadijah added that “Megamas has achieved many accolades and international awards in recent years, and brought a quality to HSE training and consultancy services in the last 10+ years which is unequalled anywhere in the region, and at the same time staying true to our business principles of honesty and integrity, and Corporate Social Responsibilities.

Borneo Bulletin
03 September 2013