06 Jul

Shell Chemicals recently held a Marine Safety Day for 2011 in Singapore.

Over 100 Shell Shipping Managers and shipping companies from the UK, Europe, Middle East, and S-E Asia attended a 1-day safety conference at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel in Singapore.

Included in the Shell Global Marine Team were William Robinson (General Manager Global Marine), Alex Kahl (Marine Technical Manager, Chemicals), Mick Farrell (Global Marine Contract Manager) and Sriram Musunuri (Regional Marine Manager, Asia Pacific / Middle East).  The subjects covered included Goal Zero, Golden Rules, Life Saving Rules, Incident Management in Shell, Near Miss Reporting and Ship Quality Assurance.

The General Manager of Megamas Training Company Sdn Bhd (Mohd Roger Ainsworth) was invited to talk about the Cultural Journey and to present a paper on “Developing a Positive Safety Culture within the Organisation”.

As Megamas Training Company was the only training provider in the Region invited to talk at this prestigious event, Megamas General Manager, Mohd Roger Ainsworth, was pleased that Shell Singapore had invited a Bruneian company to give expertise on Health and Safety.

Mohd Roger highlighted the importance of establishing a Just Culture, reporting incidents in a blame-free environment, and at the same time, explaining the need to draw a line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and reward versus consequence management.

Mohd Roger also talked about human behaviour, and its understanding in applying consequence management, and the importance of Leadership and Commitment related to corporate leaders.

Companies that have a good safety culture usually improve their overall performance in health and safety, but this is a journey which is always ongoing and requires constant review and attention and is characterised by a state of chronic unease.  Mohd Roger explained that Megamas has a good safety culture, but we are always asking the question, “What is missing, have we missed something, rather than aren’t we doing well and how good we are.”

Borneo Bulletin
6 July 2011